Monthly Archives: August 2015

Blog Posts Index

Use the following index to locate blogs by topic.

Abstracts, How to Write

Abstract, Introduction, or Executive Summary? A 5-Question Method for Writing Abstracts—August 2014

Blogging, How to Write Blog Posts

6 Quick Tips for Successful Blogs—July 2015

6 More Quick Tips for Successful Blogs—August 2015

Take this Short-Answer Quiz on Successful Blogging Strategies and Techniques—August 2015

Business Plans, How to Write

10 Steps for Writing Team Business Plans—January 2015

Business Writing

7 Tips for Business/Technical Writing Gleaned from “25 Commandments for Journalists”—February 2014

16 Frequently Asked Business Writing Questions—October 2013

Improving a Team’s Writing Skills—October 2013

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Take this Short-Answer Quiz on Successful Blogging Strategies and Techniques

A blog, an online communication platform, shares with website visitors timely, authoritative information on topics within a particular area of expertise. As the go-to person for your area of expertise, you may have been asked to contribute blog posts, or you may have decided on your own to create a blog. Our previous blog posts presented 6 Quick Tips for Successful Blogs and then 6 More Quick Tips for Successful Blogs. Take this short-answer quiz to test yourself on successful blogging strategies and techniques. The list of questions is followed by sample answers.


  1. What motivates readers to return to your website?
  2. How frequently should you post?
  3. What type of content interests readers?
  4. How do you ensure that you have enough topics and content for your blog?
  5. When should bloggers remove the tool for readers’ comments?
  6. How should a blog begin?
  7. What devices add context and depth as well as humanize a blog post?
  8. What easy-to-implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques should bloggers employ?
  9. What tone do readers find off-putting?
  10. What is the right balance of information to share/withhold?
  11. What is the goal of each individual blog post?
  12. What is the goal of blog posts collectively?

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6 More Quick Tips for Successful Blogs

A blog, an online communication platform, shares with website visitors timely, authoritative information on topics within a particular area of expertise. As the go-to person for your area of expertise, you may have been asked to contribute blog posts, or you may have decided on your own to create a blog. Our previous blog presented 6 Quick Tips for Successful Blogs. Here are 6 more tips to help ensure your success:

 1. Consider weaving in startling but authentic statistics, an illustrative story or example to increase readers’ understanding, or compelling quotes that give a sense of immediacy and humanize your content. For example, an environmental consultant in the United States might weave in statistics or other facts about lengthy project delays and hefty fines or insert quotes about compliance from the Environmental Protection Agency, Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), or other federal agencies. Where have you successfully used statistics, stories, examples, or quotes? To which future blog posts could you add those devices? Read more ›
