Take this Short-Answer Quiz on Successful Blogging Strategies and Techniques

A blog, an online communication platform, shares with website visitors timely, authoritative information on topics within a particular area of expertise. As the go-to person for your area of expertise, you may have been asked to contribute blog posts, or you may have decided on your own to create a blog. Our previous blog posts presented 6 Quick Tips for Successful Blogs and then 6 More Quick Tips for Successful Blogs. Take this short-answer quiz to test yourself on successful blogging strategies and techniques. The list of questions is followed by sample answers.


  1. What motivates readers to return to your website?
  2. How frequently should you post?
  3. What type of content interests readers?
  4. How do you ensure that you have enough topics and content for your blog?
  5. When should bloggers remove the tool for readers’ comments?
  6. How should a blog begin?
  7. What devices add context and depth as well as humanize a blog post?
  8. What easy-to-implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques should bloggers employ?
  9. What tone do readers find off-putting?
  10. What is the right balance of information to share/withhold?
  11. What is the goal of each individual blog post?
  12. What is the goal of blog posts collectively?

Sample Answers

  1. What motivates readers to return to your website? Regularly updated interesting, substantive content.
  2. How frequently should you post? According to your own realistic, reliable schedule.
  3. What type of content interests readers? Nuggets of substantive, useful information such as solutions for current challenges and valuable insights about those challenges. Information that will make them more knowledgeable and successful.
  4. How do you ensure that you have enough topics and content for your blog? In one fell swoop, brainstorm for a year’s worth of topics including seasonal topics. Use a calendar to schedule any seasonal topics and a notebook to capture ideas ongoing.
  5. When should bloggers remove the tool for readers’ comments? If the blogger has neither the time nor the resources to effectively manage readers’ comments and questions.
  6. How should a blog post begin? With a title and lead sentences that immediately interest the reader and motivate the reader to read the blog post. Not with information about the author, but with the information of highest interest and importance to readers.
  7. What devices add context and depth as well as humanize a blog post? Links, accurate statistics, illustrative stories and examples, quotes, and instructional or illustrative images.
  8. What easy-to-implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques should bloggers employ? Using keywords and crosslinks.
  9. What tone do readers find off-putting? When bloggers arrogantly lecture—telling readers what to think, how to live their lives or do their jobs. Telling readers what they are doing wrong. Instead, the tone should be collegial and respectful.
  10. What is the right balance of information to share/withhold? If the purpose of the blog is to increase the number of requests for information that lead to work, demonstrate that you can provide a solution but don’t give away your work.
  11. What is the goal of each individual blog post? To deliver at least one valuable nugget of information.
  12. What is the goal of blog posts collectively? To have readers return to the website or contact you for more information because they consider you a consistently trustworthy analyst, comedian, educator, expert, specialist, or thought leader in your knowledge area.

You can return to the previous blog posts to refresh your knowledge of blogging strategies and techniques. You may also be interested in The Writing Center’s posts Clarity Clinic, How to Use Readability Statistics Scores, and 21 Steps to Create A Customized Style Guide.

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