Quality Performance Appraisals Contribute to Your Organization’s Success

How does an effective Performance Appraisal/Review Process contribute to an organization’s success?  A high-performing organization is created when:

  • Employees’ individual performance objectives are clear and aligned with the organization’s Vision and goals.
  • Employees receive recognition for their contributions to the organization’s success.
  • Employees’ ongoing professional development is encouraged and supported.

Performance Appraisals are an important tool to help the organization and its employees reach their goals. Effective Performance Appraisals provide a systematic way to evaluate and document employees’ performance, recognize accomplishments, identify developmental areas, and appraise employees’ potential for more responsibility.

How does an effective Performance Appraisal Process contribute to a team’s success?  Well-written Performance Appraisals are one of a manager’s most effective tools for managing by objective and for developing employees’ performance. By keeping employees focused on objectives and by recognizing employees’ results, effective appraisals significantly increase your team’s effectiveness and perceived value within the organization.

The blogs that follow will help you increase the effectiveness of your team’s Performance Appraisal Process. You’ll receive tips for writing SMART objectives, keeping ongoing documentation, and writing effective Performance Appraisals and Development Plans.


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